Relationships are a fundamental aspect of human interaction. In fact, humans are among the most social species on the planet. Evidence of our sociality dates back thousands of years. It can be seen in scripture, poetry, bestselling novels, and music. Here are some examples of healthy relationships. To learn more about healthy relationships, read this article.
Healthy romantic relationships
Healthy romantic relationships are relationships that have several key characteristics. These characteristics include good communication, respect, and intimacy. In contrast, unhealthy relationships often have one or more of the following characteristics: constant fighting, criticism, hostility, and violence.
Codependent relationships
People who have codependent relationships often have trouble setting and recognizing boundaries. Instead of respecting their own autonomy, they are constantly concerned about making their partners happy. They also do not take care of themselves and are often afraid of criticism and rejection. Because of these problems, codependents often feel unfulfilled and resentful. Fortunately, there are ways to break the cycle of codependency.
Casual relationships
Casual relationships are a great way to meet new people and learn about yourself. These relationships are great for people who are just getting back into dating or for people who are unsure about committing to a more serious relationship. Casual relationships also allow participants to satisfy their need for touch, sexual intimacy, or a light emotional connection without making a full commitment.
Monogamous relationships
Monogamous relationships have been around for a long time. It is the standard relationship model of most societies. However, there are also a variety of alternatives to monogamy. One alternative is polygyny, which involves marriage between more than two people.
Situational relationships
If you’re in a relationship, you may notice that you and your partner have very different expectations. In a relationship, you and your partner set up time to see each other and spend time together. A situational relationship doesn’t have this structure, so both partners have to find time for each other. This can make your relationship unstable and stressful.
Social relationships
Social relationships are interactions among individuals that involve reciprocity and exchange. These relationships have consequences on every individual involved. Groups and sports teams are formed because of social relationships.